Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s latest dream project ‘Bajirao Mastani’ is already receiving great appreciation and applaud. He has concentrated on every single detail from the character roles to their costumes which gives this film the golden ‘Midas’ touch.
Anju Modi,the film stylist has made sure that the costumes modeled by Priyanka Chopra reflected the characteristics of a typical Peshwa wife.
The traditional 11 meter Peshwin style Navvaris or nose rings handpicked from Nasik and Pune, she has taken care of every nitty-gritty of Maharashtrian ethnic wear.
The traditional costumes were exclusively selected from different places like Pune, Nasik and Nagpur which truly brought out the true essence of conventional Maharashtrian wear.
In a nutshell, these traditional costumes were like a cherry on the cake for this Magnum Opus and also for the people who adore ethnic wear !!